學年度 | 學期 | 姓名 | 指導老師 | 論文題目 |
106 | 1 | 潘智豪 | 阮明淑 | Beacon微定位應用程式之知覺互動性對使用者購買意願之影響-以「CheckMe 任務迷」App為例 A Study of User’s Purchase Intention to Adopt the Beacon App from the Perceptual Interaction -A Case Study of “CheckMe” App |
106 | 2 | 徐碧霞 | 余顯強 | 數位行銷公司營運績效評估之研究 Study on Performance Evaluation of Digital Marketing using Data Envelopment Analysis |
106 | 2 | 程慧華 | 阮明淑 | 台灣初產婦妊娠期之資訊尋求與判斷研究 Research on Information Seeking and Judgementing of Taiwan’s First Trimester Maternity. |
106 | 2 | 胡冀璠 | 余顯強 | 上線領導對下線再購行為影響之研究-以多層次傳銷松柏公司為例 Study on repurchase intention for leadership of direct marketing upline to downline. |
106 | 2 | 李余穗 | 莊道明 | 新媒體整合行銷對使用者忠誠度與消費意願之研究-以東森新聞雲為例 Research on new media intergration marketing to customer loyalty and consumtion Intention-Taking Ettoday as an example. |
106 | 2 | 龔達材 | 葉乃靜 | 以服務設計理念探討校務研究資訊系統的建置 The Construction of Institutional Research Information System form the Concept of Service Design |
106 | 2 | 葉澐 | 阮明淑 | 台北花博農民市集魅力因子之探討 A Study on the Attractiveness Factors of TAIPEI EXPO Farmer’s Market. |
106 | 2 | 張慧莉 | 林志鳳 | 產業政策資源對臺灣動畫產業發展注意之個案研究 Influence of Government Policies on Industry: A Case Study of Animation in Taiwan |
106 | 2 | 鄭佳嘉 | 阮明淑 | APP建置專案之專案溝通個案研究 A Case Study on Project Communication of APP Project. |
106 | 2 | 池冠儀 | 林志鳳 | 臺灣手機遊戲企業發展關鍵成功因素之研究 A Study of the Key Success Factors for Taiwan mobile game industry |
106 | 2 | 魏茂芬 | 蔡順慈 | 環太平洋地震帶先進國家防災網站效益與臺灣防災數位博物館雛型規劃之研究 The Study on the Benefits of Disaster Prevention Websites in Circum-Pacific Seismic Belt of Developed Countries and the Prototype of Taiwan Disaster Prevention Digital Museum |
106 | 2 | 劉秀娟 | 葉乃靜 | 從服務設計觀點探討政府創業資訊服務整合平台之設計 The Design of Government Entrepreneurial Information Service Integration Platform from the Perspective of Service Design |
106 | 2 | 黃一翔 | 阮明淑 | 國軍形象影片之新媒體行銷研究 A Study on New Media Communication of Army’s Image Films. |
106 | 2 | 黃琬懿 | 蔡順慈 | 以新媒體行銷增進募兵效益之研究-以日本、新加坡為例 The Study on New Media Marketing for Enhance the Benefit of Recruitung Troops-Examples by Japan and Singapore |
106 | 2 | 李國齡 | 蔡順慈 | 台灣到院前緊急救護人力資源有效運用之研究Study on Effective Use of Human Resources for Emergency Medical Service Pre-Hospital |